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Emotional intelligence management is one of the important concerns for the world of education, teachers are responsible for educating, teaching, training, and are expected to have emotional intelligence management. This study aims to determine the emotional intelligence management of teachers in overcoming juvenile delinquency in high school/vocational high school students (SMA/SMK). This research method uses literature review, namely by collecting various reference sources related to emotional intelligence management in overcoming juvenile delinquency, the data collected is analyzed using content analysis methods. The occurrence of high school students is the lack of teacher emotional intelligence in understanding, paying attention, communicating effectively, and feelings that are less sensitive to adolescents which results in high school students being less able to channel their talents, interests, and creativity so that high school students as teenagers express their desires with activities. activities that violate norms, both legal, social, customary, and religious norms. The results of this study found juvenile delinquency caused by various factors, including internal and external factors. External factors include the teacher's emotional intelligence.


juvenile delinquency management teacher emotional

Article Details

Author Biography

Julinda Siregar, Universitas Indraprasta, Jakarta, Indonesia

<strong><img src="" data-mce-src="" /></strong><strong>Jurnal Dinamika Pendidikan</strong> focused to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding research and developments in the fields of Education.This journal with registered number p-ISSN : 1410-4695 and e-ISSN 2620 3952 is a scientific journal which published by Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia that covered about teaching and learning on educational settings. The aims of <strong>Jurnal Dinamika Pendidikan</strong> is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts and ideas or research results that have been achieved in the area of education.The scope of this journal encompasses to study of Curriculum, Technology, Media, and Innovation in Learning, Instructional Design, Educational Management, and Psychology of Education. In every each year publication, JDP publish in three times issues: April, July and November.JDP has been accredited with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-mce-href="">SINTA 4 </a>results<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-mce-href=""><img src="" data-mce-src="" /></a>

How to Cite
Siregar, J., & Murniarti, E. (2021). MANAJEMEN KECERDASAN EMOSI GURU MENGATASI KENAKALAN REMAJA . Jurnal Dinamika Pendidikan, 14(2), 100-109.

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