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Church youth are the future generation of Church leaders, and also as future leaders of the Nation, because of that it is very important for the church to prepare the church's young generation, so that in the future there will be no leadership crisis for the continuity of church stewardship. To prepare the young generation of the church, it is very important to carry out leadership training activities that are oriented towards identity formation both personally and organizationally. This training was carried out to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the Youth Fellowship, the main factors that are the needs of the youth association. As well as finding the final results of the training implementation, after the young generation of the church has attended the training, are there any changes in understanding regarding attendance and togetherness in worship and internal youth activities, then reassess if there are still problems then training needs to be continued in a different way and method. The target of implementing leadership training is oriented towards the Church Youth Fellowship. The method used in this analysis is a qualitative method, by interviewing, observing and using references.


Leadership Training Church Youth Church Leaders

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How to Cite
Hukom, J. M., & Murniarti, E. (2023). ANALISIS PELATIHAN KEPEMIMPINAN PEMUDA GEREJA. Jurnal Dinamika Pendidikan, 16(2), 210-217.


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