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This study has one goal, namely to determine the understanding of students' concepts in online learning. The subjects in this study were seventh grade students at SMP Negeri 11 Bekasi with a mixed method (mix method) type of concurrent embedded design. The data collection technique used a written test instrument and then analyzed descriptively and interviews to explore matters relating to students' understanding of the concept of triangles and quadrilaterals in online learning. Based on the findings, students' understanding of concepts in the medium category was found in two indicators, namely: classifying objects according to their properties (61.29%) and developing necessary or sufficient requirements of a concept (65.73%). Then, students' understanding of concepts in the low category was found in 5 indicators, namely restating a concept (31.29%), providing examples and not examples of a concept (58.06%), presenting concepts in various forms of mathematical representation (34 ,19%), use and utilize and choose certain procedures or operations (51.77%), and apply concepts or algorithms to problem solving (31.81%).


Concept Understanding Online Learning Triangle and Quadrilateral

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How to Cite
Oktaviani, F. (2022). ANALISIS PEMAHAMAN KONSEP SISWA SMP KELAS VII PADA MATERI SEGITIGA DAN SEGIEMPAT DALAM PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE. Vivat Academia: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa , 1(01), 50-61. Retrieved from


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