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*** VISITOR *** |
Phi-TERA Journal is a Journal of Physics in Teaching, Educational Research, and Applications. Phi-TERA Journal is an open-access peer-reviewed research journal that is published by the Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teaching and Education of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (FKIP-UKI). Phi-TERA Journal is providing a platform that welcomes and acknowledges empirical original research papers about teaching physics, physics education research and physics application research written by researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners.
Phi-TERA Journal is a scientific journal published online by twice a year (in March and October). Phi-TERA Journal have been indexed by Google Scholar, Garuda Portal, Base, and Dimension.
*** MAIN MENU *** |
Focus & Scope |
Publication Ethics |
Author Guidelines |
Editorial Team |
Reviewer Team |
Publication Fee |
Journal History |
Journal Indexing |
Contact Us |
ISSN Number |
*** TOOLS *** |
*** VISITOR *** |