The Effect Of Online Learning Saturation On The Physics Learning Outcomes Of Students Of Senior High School Baptist Education Foundation Cengkareng Indah Jakarta


  • Manogari Sianturi Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Septina Lumbantobing Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Piter Honirius Naitaunus Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Gertruida Bailakbak Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Otniel Satoko Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia


Quantitative, Survey, Linearity test, Correlation


This study discussesThe Influence of Online Learning Saturation on Physics Learning Outcomes of High School Students at the Cengkareng Indah Jakarta Baptist Education Foundation. This research is a quantitative study with the independent variable referred to as variable X (Learning Saturation) and the dependent variable is referred to as variable Y (Learning Outcomes). The method used in this study is the survey method, the number of samples used is 20 students, the data collection technique uses a questionnaire and student learning outcomes for 1 semester, the data analysis technique used is the normality test, and the linearity test. In the normality test, a significant value is obtained of 0.200> 0.05, so the data is normally distributed. From the output, the correlation coefficient is 0.061, and is significant at 0.797. Because the value of the correlation coefficient is 1 and the significance is 0.797> 0.05, then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected. This means that there is a significant relationship between learning saturation and learning outcomes. at the r count value of 0.061 <0.444 r table then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected. Exposure to person product moment correlation test data can be concluded that variable X to variable Y has a correlation, with the degree of relationship, namely the correlation being in the form of a negative relationship. The meaning of the negative relationship here is that the higher the learning saturation, the lower the learning outcomes.




How to Cite

Manogari Sianturi, Lumbantobing, S., Piter Honirius Naitaunus, Gertruida Bailakbak, & Otniel Satoko. (2024). The Effect Of Online Learning Saturation On The Physics Learning Outcomes Of Students Of Senior High School Baptist Education Foundation Cengkareng Indah Jakarta. Phi_TERA : Journal of Physics in Teaching, Education Research and Application, 1(1), 37-44. Retrieved from




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