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Through the explanation above, it can be concluded that the educational paradigm is a way of viewing and understanding education, from this point of view we observe and understand the educational problems faced and look for ways to overcome these problems. Meanwhile, the National Education Paradigm is a way of viewing and understanding national education. This perspective allows us to observe and understand the problems faced in national education, and find ways to overcome these problems. This perspective includes the basic challenges faced by humans in relation to social order, culture and the natural environment. Entering the 21st century, there are various efforts and motivations to develop community competencies as human resources so that they have skills that are relevant to the demands of life in the 21st century. 21st century education aims to develop creative and innovative skills in teachers and students, which is the key to changing the educational paradigm.


skills education human resources

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How to Cite
Suparman, H. (2023). PARADIGMA PENDIDIKAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN SDM (SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA). Jurnal Dinamika Pendidikan, 16(3), 302-311.


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